9 Star Wars Cliffhangers We'll Never Get The Answer To

3. What Happened To Korkie Kryze?

Starkiller Force Unleashed 2_

Debuting in 'The Academy' episode during Star Wars: The Clone Wars' third season, Korkie Kryze was the apparent nephew of Duchess of Mandalore Satine Kryze. 

The young man who looked to follow in his aunt's footsteps as a future leader then wouldn't show up again until season five's 'The Lawless' episode, where Korkie, along with Bo-Katan Kryze, would attempt to save his aunt from Maul's Shadow Collective. However, they ultimately weren't able to keep Satine from being killed by Maul.

Korkie, along with his cadet pals, were able to get away from Maul and his super commandos, though, seemingly setting him up for another appearance in the galaxy far, far away down the line. But as of writing, the figure who many have theorised is actually the secret son of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Satine Kryze has still not reappeared in the Star Wars universe.

Bo-Katan's comments of being the last of her line in Chapter 11 of The Mandalorian (The Heiress) suggest that Korkie won't be popping up in a New Republic era show in the coming years. However, it's still unclear how his story ends after the cliffhanger of him managing to evade the threat of Maul on his homeworld. And with each passing Korkie-less year since his last appearance in 2013, it's increasingly feeling like fans will never see or hear from this important member of House Kryze again.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...