9 Superheroes Who Really Should Have Had A Movie By Now

1. Wonder Woman (DC Comics)

The holy DC trinity are undoubtedly Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman (indeed, there has been a comic book arc entitled "Trinity" which focused on that very trio). The first two members of that trinity - Batman and Superman - have both had multiple titular movies over the years, with both characters having been portrayed by a number of actors. So why hasn't Wonder Woman been given a shot yet? Hell, even Supergirl has had her own movie - granted, it was terrible, but a lot of time has passed since 1984 and we're in the prime era of comic book movies now, so Wonder Woman should surely have been in a starring movie role by now. As previously touched upon, DC have released movies about characters as obscure as Jonah Hex and Swamp Thing, yet nothing from Wonder Woman. Of course, she's going to appear as a supporting character in 2016's Man of Steel sequel (the Batman vs Superman movie), but that's two years away and it's not her own movie. Lynda Carter successfully portrayed the character in the ever-popular television series of the 1970s, which shows that it can work on screen in live action. This really needs to happen sooner rather than later. So there you have it - nine superheroes who absolutely should have had their own movie by now. Do you agree? Which other superheroes should undoubtedly have starred in their own live action film already? Let us know in the comments box below. And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.