9 Superheroes Who Really Should Have Had A Movie By Now

2. Cyclops (Marvel Comics)

Wolverine has undoubtedly been one of the most popular movie characters, full stop, since the turn of the millennium - and that's fair enough. Hugh Jackman made the character very popular in the first X-Men movie in the year 2000 and, as a result, has appeared in some capacity in every single X-Men movie since and has been given his own origin movie. However, it's very surprising that more hasn't been focused on Cyclops in the movie series. Of course, Scott Summers has been in the movies - portrayed by James Marsden and Tim Pocock in different stages of the character's life - but he hasn't been the focal point of any film and he certainly hasn't had a titular movie yet. This is in spite of the fact that he is the leader of the X-Men team that the movies are based on (and a great leader at that) and is just as important a character in the comics as Wolverine. Of course, the same could be argued about Charles Xavier (who formed the X-Men), but the First Class movie essentially emulated an origin movie for both him and Magneto despite not being titled as such. Cyclops has been nothing more than a peripheral figure in the movies and that needs to change.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.