9 Superheroes Who Really Should Have Had A Movie By Now

4. Flash (DC Comics)

After Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, the Flash is in the next level of heroes in terms of popularity when it comes to DC Comics and the Justice League. He's there with guys like the Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow and Green Lantern. And yet the Green Lantern got a movie and Flash didn't? Strange. The reason this is so odd is that Flash's power is far more relatable than Green Lantern. Every comic book fan has dreamt of being super-fast. Being able to create energy constructs? Not so much. The Flash has, of course, appeared in live action before - in a 1979 live-action television special called Legends of the Superheroes, in his own titular 1990 television series and the Bart Allen incarnation of the character (more often referred to as "Impulse") appeared more recently as a regular in the Smallville television series. Essentially, given the characters who already have their own movies from DC Comics - particularly fellow Justice League member Green Lantern - it really is surprising that Flash has missed out thus far.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.