9 Terrible Franchise Killing Movies

7. Mortal Kombat: Annihilation

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New Line Cinema

The video game movie genre doesn’t have a lot of great films to boast about, but people would have to be pretty joyless to say Mortal Kombat wasn’t fun. It was silly and overblown for sure, but it was also a great ride that respected the game and had some good fight scenes.

The sequel attempted to up the scale, jamming in practically every character from the game and filling it with endless fight scenes. The problems with the movie are numerous; it somehow looks even cheaper than the original, the fights get really dull after the first ten minutes, the acting is horrid and the story is a joke.

Annihilation should have been a fan favourite that solidified the movie series, but instead the bad response ended plans for a third Mortal Kombat on the spot. The movie’s tagline “Destroy all expectations” seems like a mission statement in retrospect. 


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.