9 Terrible Movie Characters Who Really Should Have Been Cut

1. Bullseye - Daredevil

Daredevil After the Batfleck news shook Twitter like the Caped Crusader shaking up a purse-snatcher, a friend and I readied the whisky, girded our loins and fired up the Director's Cut of Daredevil in order to brace ourselves for the worst. As it turns out, the Cut improves the film somewhat, and although a variety of gnawing questions still exist throughout the film (where does he get those suits made for him? And that soundproof bath?) the whole thing is watchable in comparison. Ben Affleck is far from the worst part of Daredevil. That honour goes to Colin Farrell's scenery-chewing Bullseye, the Oirish assassin that never misses. Swaggering about, chewing a toothpick in an ankle-length leather coat (Keanu Reeve's contribution to fashion, ladies and gentlemen), the cocky bastard is too theatrical to fit with the rest of the cast; it feels like dropping Jack Nicholson into The Dark Knight. Other heinous crimes include leaving a trail of bodies for no real narrative reason, and for ramping up his Celtic twang to the point where it sounds ridiculously fake. For a decent Farrell performance, go and rent In Bruges. Please. Like this article? Let us know in the comments section below.

Writer and contributor living in the UK. When Matt is periodically released from his padded cell in Arkham, he spends his time writing for both Whatculture and his personal blog, www.filmclubber.co.uk