9 Things You Need To Know About The Deadpool Movie

8. Ryan Reynolds May Star

The biggest part of the story, besides the fact that the film exists at all, is that Ryan Reynolds, who played Wade Wilson/Deadpool in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, is rumoured to star again as the titular anti-hero. At the time of writing, however, that's all the reports are - rumours. Reynolds has been active behind the scenes on a Deadpool movie for a solid decade, lobbying to have the character appear and, once he did in Wolverine, trying to get him his own stand-alone film. It was Reynolds who provided the body model for the test footage and this all feels very much like a major passion project for the actor. We certainly can't see Reynolds not wanting to return to the character he's fought so strongly for - after the disaster of Green Lantern he could do with a big hit - and he's a big enough face for Fox to be happy to welcome back. However, as evidenced with Channing Tatum replacing Taylor Kitsch as Gambit in X-Men they're not above switching things up. Keep an eye on casting reports.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.