9 Things You Need To Know About The Deadpool Movie

5. It'll Arrive Before Apocalypse (In Which He'll Cameo)

The release date for Deadpool as it currently stands as 12th February 2016 (although looking at other movies, including Fox's Fantastic Four, which has just been moved back a couple of months, this may be far from set in stone). On the face of learning this does little, aside from giving us something to put in the 2016 section of our diaries, but in fact it says a lot about the intentions of the film and where it fits in within that X-Men universe. Arriving a month before Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice, it's clearly trying to avoid a clash of fan interest, but the early-in-the-year release suggests something less conventional and distanced from the genre's usual summer-friendly style; it's the time of year when Watchmen was released. In terms of the X-Men movies, Deadpool with be released before the already in-production X-Men: Apocalypse (but after Fantastic Four). This obviously means there's be a quick production, but also could hint that Fox have a game-plan similar to the other studios. Rumours are that Deadpool will have a cameo in the next mutant extravaganza, possibly in the post-credit scene, with that likely building into a proper appearance down the line.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.