9 Things You Need To Know About The Deadpool Movie

4. He Won't Be Like The Origins Version

What sets Fox apart from the other superhero studios is their approach to continuity. Both Sony and Warner Bros. have rebooted and wiped away entire series of films, but with X-Men they've made an effort to keep things going; Days Of Future Past may have been bringing a beloved story to the screen, but its main purpose was to clean up the narrative without the need to restart. This of course poses a question for Deadpool; will the much-derided take from Origins: Wolverine, dubbed Project X, be the Deadpool we see? Initially, taking Ryan Reynolds' casting into account, the answer seems to be yes. However, this may not be the case. In the various reports of a Deadpool movie since he was first brought to the mainstream in the prequel mess, there's been strong talk of it serving as a somewhat reboot of the character, an approach we imagine this film will follow. The explanation for this in-universe is rather simple. The Origins film was in the original timeline, whereas Deadpool takes place in the alternate timeline brought about in the aftermath of Days Of Future Past (where Trask lives, Mystique is posing as Stryker etc.), making this Wade Wilson an alternate version of the one in Wolverine, with a totally different origin. And we know Deadpool loves alternate versions!
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.