9 Things You Need To Know About The Deadpool Movie

3. Zombieland's Writers Are On Script Duties (And Have Been For Years)

If you're a little wary about the short turnaround between the film's announcement and its impending release (eighteen months from a two minute test clip to a two hour feature film ain't no easy task), be thankful that the script is in good hands. And has been for a long time; the writers attached to the recently green-lit project have been been developing the film since Origins: Wolverine and are the ones who brought about the character reboot idea we mentioned earlier. These aren't just any old writers either; Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, who've been working on Deadpool for years, are the geniuses behind Zombieland. An irreverent, gory twist on a much-travelled genre that featured bizarre subplots, exaggeratedly contradictory characters and copious fourth-wall breaking... stop us when you realise they're the perfect guys to bring Deadpool to life. With over three years experience on the script already logged don't expect the screenplay for the film to be a simple rush job. The duo also admittedly scripted G.I. Joe: Retaliation, however we're going to chalk that movie's less than stellar quality up to director Jon M. Chu, whose previous experience was with Justin Bieber documentaries and the Step Up series.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.