9 Times Actors Genuinely Bled In Movie Scenes

5. Steve Carell - The 40-Year-Old Virgin

40 Year Old Virgin
Universal Pictures

You don't always have to smash parts of yourself through a mirror or a window to make yourself bleed in movies. Just ask Steve Carell, who willingly signed up to a particularly traumatic moment in The 40-Year-Old Virgin and ended up bleeding for his commitment.

Carell infamously decided against a stunt-double for the waxing scene (presumably because they couldn't find anyone hairy enough to step in) and lay down for it himself, confident that there was no way it could hurt that much. As famous last words go, those were a doozy as he was given a crash-course in not allowing yourself to be dehaired on screen.

The final take is very much Carell hurting for real and if you doubt he's legitimate, look at his chest closely and you'll see his pores are LITERALLY BLEEDING! Just stay hairy, guys.


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