9 Times Actors Got Into Fistfights On Set

6. Maidstone - Rip Torn Versus Norman Mailer

Maidstone is a fairly poor art movie from the seventies that€™s best remembered for one scene; where the two lead actors get into a vicious, bloody fight that looks like they€™re trying to kill each other. That€™s because they got into a vicious, bloody fight and they actually were trying to kill each other. And thankfully, the camera was rolling while it happened. The scene starts when actor Rip Torn €“ who is well-known for being a bit eccentric in real life €“ strikes star and director Norman Mailer on the head with a hammer. He€™s not trying to hurt €œMailer€, but he wants to kill his character. Mailer defends himself against the hammer blows and the two of them get into it, with Torn finally trying to strangle the director before they€™re separated. It€™s a disturbing scene that€™s made worse by the fact Mailer€™s wife and children see it happening, and they scream for Torn to stop it throughout. Mailer decided to keep the fight in the film €“ even though they refer to each other by their real names €“ because it made for such powerful footage.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.