9 Times You Had To Be Tricked Into Seeing Great Movies

7. Drive

Drive Hammer
Film District

Although audiences now know what to expect from Nicolas Winding Refn (to an extent, anyway), he was an unknown entity in the mainstream back when he was putting Drive together. Consequently, nobody really batted an eye when the trailers made the flick look like a Fast and Furious or Need For Speed. How were us regular joes to know any different?

Highlighting the car chases and shootouts, there was nothing there to really differentiate it from any bonehead action film from the time. Of course, it turned out that pretty much all the set-pieces shown in the trailers made up every bit of action the finished movie had to offer, and what viewers actually got instead was a slow, tense thriller where the explosive violence was there to be repulsed by, rather than revelled in. Hilariously, someone even filed a lawsuit against the movie because it wasn't what they were expecting.

Drive became an instant cult classic, thanks to its simple narrative being fuelled on atmosphere rather than dialogue, but you'd have no idea about that if you judged it purely by its trailers.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3