When you really think about it, it's kind of ridiculous that so many movies get released every year. Most weekends see the release of two or three wide releases, with countless limited releases hitting specialty theaters all the time. Obviously, most (all) studios do it for the money. The more they put into theaters, the more chances they have at accidentally releasing a hit. The problem with this is that we've reached a point where the idea well has dried up. Excluding independent features, there just aren't many movies willing to take risks anymore. The studios tend to latch onto familiar names and titles, which has led to a rise in remakes, reboots, sequels, prequels, and the like. It's not to say that these movies can't be good - just look at The Avengers - it's just that most of them are properties that audiences simply do not care about. We saw it happen this year with The Lone Ranger. Disney needed a new hit and rather than come up with something new, they scraped the bottom of the "old properties" barrel and dug up the story of the Ranger and Tonto. They threw money at it without even considering the fact that nobody under the age of 65 gives a hoot about these archaic characters. It also didn't help that the final product was about as entertaining as explosive diarrhea. The movie flopped, and the filmmakers were baffled as to why. 2014 holds in store many more of these retreads that nobody really wants. Of course, when I say "no one" I don't literally believe that there isn't a person on Earth who doesn't want to see any of these movies. Logic speaks against that. I merely mean that these are movies that are less likely to generate massive interest. Here are some retreads we have to look forward to, as well as a few original movies that stand out as particularly uninteresting. Many of these films don't have definite release dates yet, but according to Wikipedia, IMDb, and other sites, they are slated for some time in 2014.