9 Upcoming Characters Who Could Be The New Face Of The MCU

4. Rocket Raccoon

Marvel StudiosMarvel StudiosThis might seem crazy, but Rocket Raccoon could quite easily become the flagship character of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The bizarrely cute and cuddly little mammal - who also happens to possess the skills of a hardened mercenary - already appears to be everyone€™s favourite Guardians of the Galaxy character before the movie has even been released - and it's hard to see that changing any time soon. He€™s huggable, but he€™s also as tough as old boots and he doesn€™t give a sh*t about anything. He has a giant walking tree as his €œmuscle€, he €œhas a tendency to bite€ and, if he€™s anything like the comic book version of the character, he€™s going to be very funny as well. The key factor in his popularity is the fact that kids are going to love him. In spite of the fact that he€™s an intergalactic mercenary, he€™s still furry with whiskers and a cute little nose. Consequently, soft toy versions of the character are going to shoot off the shelves of toy stores around the world like hot cakes. Also, don't underestimate the likeability of Bradley Cooper as an actor. He is hot property in Hollywood right now and, even though only his voice and facial movements will be evident in the final movie, fans are undoubtedly going to want more from the star of "The Hangover" franchise.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.