9 Upcoming Movie Reboots That Are Doomed To Fail

7. Tomb Raider

jumanji 2
Warner Bros.

There are many reasons why a Tomb Raider movie reboot is a terrible idea.

Chief among them is the fact video game adaptations are almost exclusively terrible, but let's also not forget what happened the last time they brought Lara Croft to screen.

Angelina Jolie was right fit for Lara when all that mattered was the size of her guns, but she couldn't save these films from senseless plots and dull action sequences.

Presumably what they're shooting for with the Alicia Vikander-fronted reboot is a more serious, Batman Begins-esque origin picture, but this is completely unnecessary.

The video game Tomb Raider and its sequel Rise of the Tomb Raider did a fine job of giving Lara this treatment, and they're beautifully cinematic at the same time, so why retell the same story minus the interactivity?


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