9 Upcoming Movies That Are Unofficial Remakes

8. My Spy = Kindergarten Cop

My Spy Kindergarten Cop
STXFilms & Universal

Dave Bautista has been making a name for himself starring in quality blockbuster films lately - namely his appearances in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Blade Runner 2049 - but no muscle-bound action hero is complete without their own daft family-friendly comedy movie.

My Spy is one such vehicle for Bautista, who plays an impossibly tough, excessively murderous CIA operative tasked with protecting a young girl, thoroughly humiliating himself in the process but also breaking down his tough exterior.

Gee, doesn't that sound familiar?

Arguably the best of these Tough Guy vs. Kids movies is the Arnold Schwarzenegger classic Kindergarten Cop, where Arnie plays a shotgun-totting police officer sent undercover into a school to protect a young boy and his family, totally embarrassing himself countless times but also learning to grow as a person.

My Spy is obviously going to update the formula for contemporary audiences, but at its core, both movies seem to be mining laughs primarily from an insanely burly action hero being paired with and harassed by hordes of small children.

Kindergarten Cop ended up making $202 million worldwide and Vin Diesel's 2005 equivalent The Pacifier similarly grossed an impressive $198.6 million, so there's clearly an audience for these tongue-in-cheek fluff-pieces.

Hopefully it's more Kindergarten Cop and less Mr. Nanny, the failed 1993 Hulk Hogan-starring family comedy which barely cracked $4 million worldwide. Yikes.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.