9 Violent Mainstream Movie Scenes That Went Too Far

1. Casey Affleck Beats Jessica Alba For Two Minutes - The Killer Inside Me

We'd already witnessed Jessica Alba's character get whipped by a belt way too hard for way too long, but that was okay because she turned out to be into the whole bondage thing. It was a pleasurable kind of pain.

That rationale doesn't fly in this scene, which might be the most nauseating beating ever inserted into a motion picture. I'd provide the context of the scene, but it doesn't even matter. Casey Affleck beats Jessica Alba within an inch of her life for an unflinching two minutes. Every punch is shown in precise, graphic detail. It's truly hard to even describe the scene, because the images of it will forever send my stomach into backflips. He beats her so hard that he is physically drained after it's over.

That's really all you need to know about it. That, and Jessica Alba's face is a bloody, disfigured mess of crooked bones and swollen skin. Warning: Because I value the readers of WhatCulture and prefer not to inflict emotional scarring on anyone, I have to seriously recommend that only those of you with the strongest of stomachs watch the following clip. It makes the rest of the article look like child's play.

What other times did mainstream movies overstep the limits of violence? If your stomach can take it, head down to the comments and join the discussion.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.