9 Ways The Marvel Cinematic Universe Could End

1. It Never Ends


The Marvel Cinematic Universe is based on Marvel Comics. And the Marvel Comics Universe has been running uninterrupted since the debut of Fantastic Four #1 all the way back in 1961. It's had its ups and downs, with some titles falling out of popularity, but there's always been a constant production. OK, it has now reset, but that was only due to the impact of the movies - had the MCU not taken off then it's safe to say things would have still been chugging along.

There's some variation between the two mediums, but if this has happened for comics, why not for films? The whole logic of the superhero bubble bursting is built on how genres and franchises developed in the 20th Century (particularly the western), but that misses a major influence on modern life (and, incidentally, the one sci-fi element of the present day that was never accurately) - the internet.

Thanks to the information superhighway, pop culture has sped up, to the point where two MCU films a year doesn't feel excessive, and while mass expansion is typically viewed as a shortcut to failure, when you're expanding into infinite space things can only get bigger. Trends shift faster, but issues can be addressed quicker too.

With that in mind, there's everything needed for the MCU to receive the longevity of its print progenitor. That's not to say the MCU will remain at its blockbusting level - this year alone we've seen a dip relative to expectations - but with new media forms (among others Netflix, which Marvel already has success with) it can continue through peaks and troughs to exist and provide fans with live-action recreations of classic runs well into the future. It's unlikely, for sure, but, then again, wasn't Iron Man a massive gamble in 2008?

How do you think the MCU will end? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.