9 Ways The Marvel Cinematic Universe Could End

2. It Ends On Its Own Terms With An Epic Of Biblical Proportions

Marvel Comics

In the past most movie series would just run on and on until they stopped making money, but thanks to the likes of Christopher Nolan and the prevalence of adaptations of finite literary sources - Harry Potter, Hunger Games etc. (although that ilk are getting stretched with two-part finales) - the whole notion of a proper finale has taken hold in fan's minds.

It's still an odd choice for a studio to make, essentially halting a cash-cow in favour of only having a legacy property, meaning the odds of Marvel one day just bringing everything to a close are rather slim. However, with the various reboot opportunities on the table it's certainly a possibility. Which poses an even more exciting question; what would it be?

There's so much to choose from: Avengers Disassembled would be a thematically suitable wrap-up, seeing the team disband and ending with a melancholic reminisce, although that might not have the visual spectacle required for such a finale; if Marvel does reacquire the character rights from Fox, Galactus, a cosmic threat even bigger than Thanos, would be a suitable final battle; Secret Invasion would be a lot of fun, the shape-shifting villains allowing for far-reaching twists, although that one could really work at any point (or as a stand-alone). Whatever it is, it'd be sure to be pretty epic.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.