9 Well Deserved Movie Villain Deaths
6. Oscar - Collosal
Okay, this film is a lot to explain so let’s just cut to the chase...
From the trailers, it seemed like Jason Sudeikis’ character in this sci-fi flick would be a love interest or comic relief for us to enjoy.
It’s only after the first act of the film that the character changes and we learn that his character Oscar isn’t such a cool guy after all.
Oscar’s manipulation of Anne Hathaway’s Gloria is unsettling and creepy the moment he realises he can take the form of a giant robot much like Gloria's lizard monster.
On repeat viewings, we see the subtle notes of a gaslighting and a controlling presence who speaks on behalf of his friendship group, and anyone who tries to oppose or confront him is pushed down by his hidden violent nature.
When Gloria flies to South Korea and manifests herself as her giant monster form, this time in New England, she picks up the abusive Oscar and throws him to the clouds like Team Rocket blasting off again!
We'd feel a little bit sympathetic for Oscar if it wasn't for the fact that he was so unpleasant and remorseless when crushing smaller things beneath his feet.