A Good Day To Die Hard: 5 Sequels Bruce Willis Should Have Made Instead

3. The Fifth Element

fifthelement A futuristic tale of a Great Evil that appears every five thousand years with the sole intent of destroying all lifeforms that can only be stopped by a group of four stones that represent the elements, and the fifth element that turns the other 4 into organic life. When the Mondoshawan attempt to deliver these elements to Earth so they can be used to defeat the Great Evil, they are attacked by Mangalores, but luckily scientists on Earth manage to recreate the fifth element from a portion they have recovered, creating Leeloo, the perfect being, who quickly ends up in the care of Willis's Korben Dallas, a taxi driver. The rumours state that Luc Besson's screenplay was actually twice as long before the Fifth Element was made and thus led to the first half of the story being completely removed in order to make the film that we all recognise today, with the rest of the script supposedly being titled Mr Shadow. But this is exactly that, a rumour and nothing more than speculation, as Besson himself has stated that all the talk of a sequel shortly after the film's release was simply not true. Many believe that there was nowhere for the sequel to go anyway, at the end of the film, the Great Evil has become a new moon orbiting the Earth and Leeloo is supposedly about to go to sleep for another five thousand years until it is time to stop the Great Evil all over again. But, isn't it a great element of sci-fi films that the very worlds they create can be altered? Maybe Leeloo could reawaken much earlier than expected, in the wake of a new and much greater destructive force that must be stopped, or someone powerful and evil could come to take the elements, forcing Dallas into action to protect them and Leeloo. Whilst any speculation of a sequel has fallen on deaf ears and it seems more than a little unlikely, there is definitely a story there to tell (and one that is infinitely better than any ideas I can come up with here), that could be exciting and would definitely force fans of the original into the cinemas regardless of how they felt about its existence. A final option would of course for the remainder of the original script, if the rumours are true, to be adapted into a prequel which I'm sure Dallas would still be a part of in one way or the other, although this also seems unlikely right about now too.
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I'm a Scriptwriting degree holder from Bournemouth University and spend most of my days furthering my extensive passion for Film, TV, Music and Videogames. I am an unashamed geek and have a tattoo of the Dark Knight Batman symbol on my back, also love a good story and highly look forward to when Liverpool FC remember how to play football. Follow me on twitter for more random media related musings @GuyWidBatTattoo.