Adam Sandler: 5 Awesome Performances and 5 That Sucked

2. Grown Ups (2010)

I can almost imagine the inception of Grown Ups; while Sandler was sat around with his €œhilarious€ comedy troupe as they all ruthlessly ripped on each other as comedians tend to do and he thought €œhey, this would make a great movie€. And since he€™s Adam Sandler, three days later, the film began principle photography (edit: dramatization, may not have happened). Again, Sandler is simply Sandler. As a result, maybe this would have been funny ten, fifteen years ago but today the best reaction it€™s likely to get is an exasperated sigh of boredom. The whole thing plays like an in-joke between Sandler and Co. that neglects to let the audience in. It€™s a film made in reverse; I€™m sure the group had an awesome time making it, while it was us, the viewers, that had to put in the work by actually sitting through it.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.