After Skyfall: 10 Future Predictions For The James Bond Franchise

1. Perpetuity

€œWell, he€™s a 20th Century Mythical Hero€ Sir Roger Moore suavely parried the long redundant question about Bond€™s popularity. The exactitude of this statement is salient for everybody from scholars to sceptics. Bond is the hero of choice for those who balk at the thought of worshipping a comic-book character because he cultivates the most common attributes of an ancient Greek hero: near superhuman ability constantly thwarted by the necessity of his own mortality; a significant past which affects his personality for better and worse; and a tragic relationship back catalogue (undoubtedly of his own manufacture). Toeing the line between John McClane€™s hardy humility and Tony Stark€™s fantastical finesse, Bond creates just enough delusion for the average man to relate to with all of his boyhood enthusiasm and his metropolitan manliness. And it€™s this generic appeal that has kept it going for 50 years with no believable end in sight! After all, who wouldn€™t enjoy being savvy to the most confidential of information while harbouring a substantial level of panty-dropping fame?

A. J. S. Scott was created as a homunculus by a mad English Alchemist who was trying to make rum from ink and seawater. He is still a fan of both and he has no comment on what happened to all the ‘No Exit’ signs in Islington Underground Station when he visited for Beltaine. You can send him missives by bribing the Right Raven with sour-strings, or: Instagram: @ajsscott Tumblr: