After Skyfall: 10 Future Predictions For The James Bond Franchise

4. Alcohol

Alcohol has always been a mainstay of any Bond film but where there is always room for more product placement (Welcome Heineken), there€™s also room for more selectivity. With the likes of GQ magazine giving up inestimable column space to haughty hootch, Bond€™s characteristic fashion sense will undoubtedly continue to follow suit. Alcopops did to drinking what cheap Japanese watches did to the Swiss Watch industry. They buried it in anachronism and bid it never rear its delectable head ever again. Bond€™s fashion, however, mimics the times and drinking is most definitely returning to style. The future of Bond€™s drinking isn€™t certain by any means but in this age of €˜shock and awe€™ tactics, trying to emulate in any small way his dipsomaniacal literary counterpart drink for drink will undoubtedly cause controversy - he imbibes every seven pages in the book €“ and controversy brings cash!

A. J. S. Scott was created as a homunculus by a mad English Alchemist who was trying to make rum from ink and seawater. He is still a fan of both and he has no comment on what happened to all the ‘No Exit’ signs in Islington Underground Station when he visited for Beltaine. You can send him missives by bribing the Right Raven with sour-strings, or: Instagram: @ajsscott Tumblr: