Age Of Ultron: 10 Things You Might Have Missed In The New Trailer

6. Forceps?

Now this is one of the more sinister aspects of this new Age Of Ultron trailer. The previous teasers have been plenty creepy, especially the one with the spooky version of Pinocchio's I've Got No Strings that played over Ultron's attack on the Avengers in the last one. The tone so far makes this seem like the Empire Strikes Back of the trilogy: darker, downcast, with failure on the cards. To that end Joss Whedon looks to be putting some body horror into the mix, too, or at least hinting at the pitter patter of tiny superhero feet in the near future. Given the shot immediate before the appearance of the surgical table laden with forceps, though, perhaps this isn't exactly a happy event. Also the €œdoctor€ using the tools goes for the scalpel first... The forceps shot actually appeared in the last trailer, too, but this time it has some context. Somebody has their head slammed down onto the operating table €“ suggesting this surgery isn't exactly routine, or even called for €“ and from the looks of it, the person undergoing the surgery might be a familiar face, too...

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at