Age Of Ultron: 10 Things You Might Have Missed In The New Trailer

5. Young Black Widow

Immediately before all the head-slamming invasive surgery business, there's a brief two-shot of Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow. First there's her looking all forlorn in the present day, which, to be honest, she should be a bit happier, based on the firepower she looks to be packing in the second Avengers film. But then it cuts ever-so-briefly to Natasha with a completely different haircut, in a completely different location. There's been speculation, with the appearance of ballet dancers in the last trailer (which seemed totally out of the blue), that Age Of Ultron might finally delve into the mysterious back story and origin of the Black Widow. It was hinted at with the end of The Winter Soldier, where she willingly unleashed her myriad secrets to the public. Who knows if that thread is going to be picked up here, or if that scene's even a flashback, but that's definitely a younger Black Widow you're looking at right there. Possibly even before she was called the Black Widow. Regardless, it doesn't look like Natasha Romanoff the younger's gonna have a good time of it...

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at