The most depressing film on this list. By a country mile. Not only is it Adam Sandler at his most annoying but we also find he's 'done an Eddie Murphy' by playing more than one character AND he's dragged one the best actors of his generation down into the cess pool too. Jack is an advertising executive who has to try and get Al Pacino in a Dunkin' Donuts commercial. Jill is his annoying sister who is just, well, awful. Pacino, obviously, falls for Jill (Sandler in drag remember) and agrees to the advert if he gets a date with her (because that's how Oscar winners conduct their deals). He then tries to win her over dressed as the Man of La Mancha (obviously) before Jill (Sandler in drag) turns him down. We then see Pacino in the advert as he calls himself Dunkaccino and has a bit of a rap (this is an Oscar winner remember and not Sandler in drag). Similar to Gigli, this film is just offensively bad. Even with Sandler's American fan-base, it's incredible that his grossed over $100,000,000 worldwide. Pacino, though, should be dragged through the streets for this self-referential piece of rubbish. Taking the mickey out of yourself is fine if the script is good but this is not and Pacino must, must, must have known that. It's like watching that rubbish Sky advert but for ninety minutes. The only worthwhile thing is Pacino's reaction to the advert where he says, "Every copy of this must be destroyed. No-one can ever see it." We'll assume this was secret footage to a private screening Pacino had of this film.