Alice Through The Looking Glass: 25 WTF Moments From The Trailer

23. The Asymmetry Of This Mirror Is Creepy

Sure, you could say the science behind a looking glass that transports you to Wonderland might have its own rules, but you'd expect a little symmetry, especially in a franchise renowned for its visual finesse. As Alice approaches the mirror, you€™d want the reflection in the mirror image to perfectly line up with her face. Instead, the reflection in the mirror is out of sync, and when her eye is no longer visible on her side of the glass, it€™s creepily still staring back at her in the mirror. It€™s also a little strange that the mirror is able to show the small heart-shaped design on Alice's back. It looks like the visual effects people have flipped the shot of Mia Wasikowska on the left and put it into the mirror, rather than showing what would actually appear if it were really a mirror. You could chalk it up to magical mirrors having magical properties, but it still seems off.

Movie / TV enthusiast with a DVD and Blu-ray collection bigger than I'd care to admit. If anyone is offering creative / furniture solutions to house them, I'm all ears.