Alien: Covenant - 20 Easter Eggs & References You Must See

15. The Airlock Moment

Alien Airlock
20th Century Fox

As everything starts to go to Hell, Ledward, Karine Oram and Faris end up in the medical quarters of the ship as Ledward's infection starts to very rapidly kill him. Oram reacts with empathy and without concern for her own potential infection, but Faris is terrified and realises she has to quarantine the pair.

The scene that sees her refuse to allow Oram out of the medical bay even after the neomorph has emerged feels very much like a call-back to Ripley refusing to allow Kane on board when he is infected. Luckily for her, she can't be over-ridden, but she still ends up getting killed for her actions anyway, proving that there's pretty much no escape from the Xenomorph's claws.


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