Alien: Covenant - What Does The Ending Really Mean?

2. Daniels Surely Can't Return

Alien Covenant Daniels
20th Century Fox

The fact that Daniels is aware of David's survival and his grand plan surely means there's absolutely no way she can be kept alive, right?

Why would David allow one of the only keys to his potential failure to wake up from cryo-sleep as intended to simply tell everyone what really happened when he's worked so hard to cover up the incident as a disaster that wiped out the crew? It's unfeasible.

So it would seem that we won't get to see Daniels again, despite her apparent initial survival: what remains now is the specifics of her death. Could she end the same way as her husband?

Tennessee is a different matter entirely: he's unaware that David is the issue, he barely knew the reality of the android's plan or how the Xenomorphs came to be, and we could quite easily see a sequel with him as the star. I can't be the only one who would watch that...


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