Alien: Covenant - What Does The Ending Really Mean?

5. How Will The Xenomorph Eggs End Up On The Ship In Alien?

Xenomorph Egg
20th Century Fox

Inevitably, the ending doesn't offer a concise, clear ending (after Prometheus, nobody could have expected that, surely?)

If we are to accept that the Xenomorphs are indeed David's own creation and not that of the Engineers, that makes that whole key Alien scene extremely difficult. If the Engineers are dead and David is headed elsewhere with his remaining aliens, how do the alien eggs all end up on the Engineer ship in the first film 20-ish years later?

The idea of that Space Jockey being a rogue seems to be the most likely, and perhaps that's the direction we'll see in one of the sequels. Maybe the only remaining Engineers will realise their mistake in creating the pathogen when they see it used in its most extreme form (in full Frankenstein spirit), and will take on David to steal his crop of eggs and maroon them on LV-426?

If that isn't going to be the case, the idea of the Engineer warning against the aliens they helped create as weapons and seem to worship is just confusing. In short, we need a lot more story-telling to tie the end of Covenant to Alien.


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