Alien Saga: 12 Awesome Replicas Every Mega-Fan Should Own

1. Life-Size Alien Queen

Alien Queen Replica No words are really needed for this one: it is without doubt the ultimate Alien replica, and the one you will never unfortunately own. This one is a work in progress by an individual fan of the films, again found on the RPF website - the original replica was built back in 1990 as a special order of just five by the FX company Distortions, costing around £9000, and this one is being fully restored and repainted by its current owner. Once it is complete, this will be the final word in possibly not just Alien replicas but replicas in general. Who would not want to be the proud owner of a 15 feet tall Alien Queen that you can say you have fully restored yourself? What do you think of these awesome Alien replicas? Share your thoughts below...
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Anthony Lund is a writer and puppet maker from Durham. He is the author of the Dickens parody, A Christmas Carol Retold, and also works as a Showbiz & Music news writer. His new novel, Grim Reaping, is out at the end of October. More information can be found at his website,