Alita: Battle Angel - 16 WTF Moments

12. Severed Arms Everywhere

Alita Battle Angel Movie

Proving that Star Wars doesn't hold a monopoly on gratuitous severed arms, Alita features a distracting number of arms being sliced off throughout the film (though in order to retain that PG-13 rating, they're all robotic in nature).

First off, Dr. Ido slices off an attacking cyborg's arm during the first-act alley-way fight, and moments later Alita smashes Grewishka's (Jackie Earle Haley) apart with the sheer might of a powerful kick.

In a rematch with Grewishka later on, however, she gets diced up with her arm being severed, and finally, Hugo loses one of his cyborg arms in the film's climax when a security thresher slice sit off, and loses the other when Alita tries in vain to pull him to safety.

That's...a lot of dismemberment.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.