Alita: Battle Angel - 16 WTF Moments
10. The Insane Bar Fight
Aside from the dizzying Motorball sequences, probably the best scene in the film is the ludicrously entertaining fight when Alita heads to the Kansas Bar and asks her follow Hunter-Warriors to help her take down Grewishka.
Naturally she's met with laughter from the gathered bounty hunters, especially Zapan, who both patronises and hits on her. But with her newfound confidence and sense of self, Alita fires back, mocking Zapan's "pretty boy" looks.
Zapan then attempts to attack, but Alita makes short work of him before launching into an assault on just about everybody in the room.
The scene is strong enough it almost feels like it was ghost-directed by James Cameron himself. The cheeky wordplay between Zapan and Alita is fun, the action looks great and it really nails the goofy tone the rest of the movie should've been shooting for.
At least until Grewishka show up and kills a dog, anyway...