Alita: Battle Angel - 16 WTF Moments
9. Alita Paints Her Face With A Dead Dog's Blood
Of all the bizarre tonal choices in the second half of the movie, one of the most misguided has to be the completely pointless death of a cute little canine running around the Kansas Bar.
Look, we get it: Grewishka is a horrible a**hole, but this felt like overkill in the most literal sense, cheaply using the death of an innocent creature for easy dramatic points rather than because it actually fit the scene thematically or tonally.
It gets even weirder when Alita decides to smear some of the pup's blood on her face like war paint. Uh, for a PG-13 movie that started out as a coming-of-age adventure film, this is a pretty odd direction to take, no?
When Fox starts to wonder why the film didn't crack a billion dollars worldwide (or maybe even half-a-billion), they can start by taking a long, hard look at how this scene played out and how offputting it was (and not in the way Robert Rodriguez intended).