All Modern Star Trek Shows Ranked Worst To Best

5. Star Trek: Picard

badgey rutherford star trek lower decks terminal provocations

Star Trek: Picard arguably had the strongest pilot of the current batch of shows. Remembrance balanced nostalgia with Jean-Luc's future life quite well, introduced us to the relevant characters and gave us a look at what a late 24th century Federation looked like. It wasn't perfect, but what is? While the introduction of Narek was given slightly more weight than the character deserved, the reveal of The Artefact made up for that in spades.

Season one then varied wildly in tone and quality. The pacing drifted, characters came and went without much point, and stories began and ended without affecting the overall plot.

Then, of course, the copy and paste fleet.

Season two then was a massive step up, with The Star Gazer delivering on so many promises to do better. The rest of the season suffered again from pacing and some slightly logic issues, though was undeniably a step-up from the previous one.

Picard drew some ire for how cold a future it depicted initially, so the hop and skip into the darker universe at the beginning of the second season seemed to be a little bit of an on-the-nose attempt to allay worries. By the season's close, much of the plot issues were somewhat resolved, if a little quickly.

The third season, which will be the final season, will decide where exactly Picard lands in Star Trek's history.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick