The Amazing Spider-Man: 10 Spidey Movies That Must Be Made Next

1. The Avengers (????)

Even if Sony eventually agree to allow a cross-over, it is probably more likely that they will do so for Civil War, where Spidey plays an important but not quite central role in the plot. He is more of a narrative device, and smart writing could leave him at that for the event, without Sony's property being devalued or Marvel feeling like they've paid for too little. But at some point the question of the Avengers must be broached. With Robert Downey Junior and Samuel L Jackson ageing, and even the other members of the acting team likely to retire before they get to Phase 4 and 5, the Avengers are going to need fresh blood. And yes, though it would be interesting to see new supposedly lesser Avenger characters like Wasp, Ms Marvel and Luke Cage brought in for that purpose, none are quite as enduring as Spider-Man, and none would have the same sort of impact as he would. Comic Book Reference Point: The New Avengers Spider-Man has been a regular member of the Avengers for some time now, and the new dynamic that he adds to the team is the chief selling point for this movie to exist. And if we're going to go as far as to suggest this cross-over, it would be even better if Sony, Fox and Marvel are able to get their heads together to launch an epic cross-over event that unites not only the Avengers and Spider-Man, but also whatever version of the X-Men exists in the future. Which Spider-Man movies do you want to see made next? Share your picks below in the comments thread.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.