The Amazing Spider-Man 2: 10 Things That Sucked

7. Rhino & Felicia Hardy Cameos

In a movie that's already busy doing so much, Webb decided to throw in two additional cameos, presumably to set up the impending Sinister Six movie. The first cameo is by way of Paul Giamatti's hilarious performance as the Rhino, screaming and hamming up a ridiculous Russian accent while briefly tussling with Spidey at both the beginning and the end of the movie. The second is by Felicity Jones in an also-ran role as Harry Osborn's assistant, Felicia Hardy, who will eventually go onto become Black Cat. The problem is that unnecessary interludes like this just slow down a movie that already struggles to maintain momentum with its long run-time and high subplot count. Neither character is intimately connected to the central narrative at all, and seemed to be included just for familiarity's sake for when the third film and Sinister Six movie show up. In short, they could have just as easily been Director's Cut or supplementary Blu-ray materials, or even better yet, post-credit scenes, given that the movie didn't have any (apart from a rather awkwardly-pigeonholed teaser for X-Men: Days of Future Past).

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.