The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Villains: 6 Things That Look Great (And 3 That Suck)

1. Max Dillon's Personality

What we appear to have here is another Batman Forever-esq Edward Nygma - a complete and utter geek who is obsessed with the titular hero. It was all a bit pathetic and the transformation from wimp to supervillain seemed very contrived and this runs the risk of the same thing happening. In Edward Nygma's case, he was a Wayne Enterprises employee who was obsessed with and idolised Bruce Wayne. In this case, Max Dillon is an Oscorp employee who wants the power and popularity of Spider-Man. Of course, Edward Nygma (as played by Jim Carrey) went on to become the Riddler and Max Dillon will become Electro. Carrey's depiction of the Riddler was pretty cool and Jamie Foxx looks to be a great Electro, so let's hope that Electro's awesomeness outweighs Dillon's sheer, unmitigated lameness. So there you have it - six things that looks great about the villains in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and three things that look like they might suck. Do you agree with this list? What else do you like or dislike about the villains so far? Let us know in the comments box below. And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.