The Amazing Spider-Man 3: 10 Things We Expect To See

2. Norman Osborn

Norman Osbourne Head Norman Osborn's appearance in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was suspiciously brief. Bringing in a superb actor like Chris Cooper and only using him in such a small role just doesn't sit right. The character apparently died in the movie - his body giving in to the hereditary illness that this franchise's Osborn family all seem to suffer from - and his life as a decrepit, bed-bound invalid was cut short. That said, we never saw a body, which raises a number of questions. Osborn had untold resources available to him that included all kinds of biological enhancements. There is little reason to believe that the head of Oscorp wouldn't know every secret the company had and, if those secrets included a means of potentially healing himself, you can be damn sure he would have used it. Indeed, even if he did die, it's hard to believe he won't return. Images have recently come to light from a scene that was cut from the movie, whereby Gustav Fiers approached Norman Osborn's cryogenically frozen head - could this have been with a view to bringing him back from the dead? Perhaps as some kind of cyborg? Regardless, the deletion of that scene means it never happened, so Osborn might not even be dead at all. Expect to see him in The Amazing Spider-Man 3.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.