The Amazing Spider-Man 3: 10 Things We Expect To See

3. Mary Jane Watson

Moving on to a new girl will be a sure fire sign that Peter Parker is getting over Gwen Stacy's death - and that's where Mary Jane Watson will come in. Having been played so well by Kirsten Dunst in the first Spider-Man trilogy, Mary Jane has yet to appear in this new franchise. Shailene Woodley was due to portray the character in The Amazing spider-Man 2, but her part was cut. Although the rumoured reasons behind her removal from the movie seemed incredibly harsh (if they are to be believed, she was deemed to be not pretty enough, which is insane), the fact is that there was enough going on in that movie without another potential love interest. Mary Jane will appear in The Amazing Spider-Man 3 as Spidey's new love interest and we look forward to seeing her, but a new actress coming in to the mix will have a tough job replicating the on-screen chemistry between real-life lovers Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.