The Amazing Spider-Man: 5 Villains We Never, Ever Want To See On Film

4. Hammerhead

Hammerhead, who first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #113 in October of 1972, isn't necessarily a terrible comic book villain - but he is definitely one that should be kept in the comic books and one that really shouldn't pose a threat to Spider-Man. Hammerhead is a practitioner of organised crime and is closely associated with the Maggia crime family (by virtue of pretending to be Italian, despite actually being Russian, having moved to Italy as a child). The character distinguishes himself from other villains by dressing up and acting like a classic, stereotypical gangster from the 1920s. Due to an injury he suffered (after which his skull was reinforced with metal), his head has a flat shape to it. Indeed, he was upgraded by Mister Negative with an adamatium skeleton in exchange for being his enforcer. As cool as the schtick may be, the name is silly, the appearance is silly, and a gangster with no superhuman qualities - aside from a reinforced skeleton - is not going to pose a threat to a hero who, by the time he would be introduced, will have fought a mutated lizard man with superhuman statistics, a guy with crazy electric powers and a dude in a super-powered metal rhino suit. Indeed, Hammerhead fled America when Spider-Man interfered with his activities on one occasion, which says it all. Let's hope that Marvel and Sony steer clear of this funny looking chap.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.