The Amazing Spider-Man: 5 Villains We Never, Ever Want To See On Film

2. Big Wheel

Now this is just stupid. First appearing in 1978's The Amazing Spider-Man #182, Jackson Weele (yeah, another one of those awful punny names) is a businessman who has embezzled from his company to become very rich. He gets a certain fellow villain (who may just be appearing next on this list) to create a large metal wheel for him, complete with guns and waldo-arms, that can climb up buildings and... well... roll around. With his new vehicle, Weele became the Big Wheel. The character has no redeeming qualities; he has no super-powers, isn't a super-genius, looks extremely silly and has a ridiculous name. He has very few comic book appearances since his first showing and did actually disappear for twenty years after that initial appearance. Spider-Man once described him (during a game of poker) as one of the craziest, stupidest things he'd ever seen - and he'd be right. Big Wheel has also, at times, turned his hand to superheroics, but he's just as bad at that as he is at villainy and he should never, ever be considered for use in a movie.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.