The Amazing Spider-Man: 5 Villains We Never, Ever Want To See On Film

1. The Tinkerer

See that picture above this text? Spider-Man is lying in it. The Tinkerer (Phineas Mason) is a terrible villain - a silly concept with an awful, benign-sounding villain name and someone who should never be any kind of threat to the webbed wonder. First appearing in The Amazing Spider-Man #2 in April of 1963, the Tinkerer has certainly been around for a while - but that doesn't make him any more impressive as a foe. He has a genius intellect, with extensive knowledge in a wide variety of scientific disciplines. He has a high degree of expertise in the design and manufacture of inventive weapons and devices derived from pre-existing technologies. The Tinkerer has invented a wide variety of scientific and technological devices and often has access to these devices as needed. The Tinkerer's advanced age limits his physical abilities and he possesses no superhuman abilities. Indeed, so physically incapable is the Tinkerer that it really shouldn't matter what kind of weapon he is wielding - he just shouldn't be physically capable of using them before Spider-Man casually takes them from his clutches and tells him what a silly and naughty old man he is. We absolutely do NOT want anyone called "The Tinkerer" anywhere near our beloved Spider-Man movies! So there you have it - five villains we never, ever want to see in the Amazing Spider-Man franchise. Do you agree with this quintet? Which other villains from Spider-Man's extensive rogue gallery should be avoided in live action? Let us know in the comments box below. And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.