American Horror Story: 10 Scariest Villains Ranked

9. Michael Langdon

American Horror Story Apocalypse Finale

In the history of AHS, there has been no villain as powerful as Michael Langdon (Cody Fern), the Antichrist himself.

The spawn of Vivianne and Tate's carnal actions from the first season, Michael is the personification of evil with an impeccable fashion sense. After demonstrating murderous behaviour at an early age, he'd go on to harness his full power as a warlock at Hawthorne School For Exceptional Young Men where he'd become the new Supreme.

From herein, Michael's rise to power continued until he was head of the satanic corporation responsible for causing the apocalypse.

This villain is unmatched when it comes to sheer power; there are few characters in the world of AHS who even come close to his level. He's already completed his devilish goal by the time viewers are introduced to him in the eighth season, and the race is on to undo the evil he's caused.

However, while Michael is a character you wouldn't want to cross, his desperate search to find acceptance and family reminds viewers that, even though he's the spawn of Satan, he is still just a child.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.