American Horror Story: 10 Scariest Villains Ranked

5. Tate Langdon

American Horror Story Apocalypse Finale

Don't let his roguish boy-next-door charms fool you, Tate Langdon (Evan Peters) is far more deranged than his angsty teen persona lets on.

Being the son of Constance Langdon, Tate never had what could be called a loving childhood. After burning his stepdad alive as revenge for the death of his brother, Tate's unbridled violent behaviour would eventually lead him to gun down 15 of his classmates at school before being killed by a SWAT team in his bedroom.

Now one of the resident ghosts in the Murder House by the time audiences encounter him in the first season, Tate's behaviour issues showed no signs of improvement. He was beyond the point of any help.

He'd form an obsessive relationship with Violet and, his worst act of all, rape her mother Vivienne in a bid to get a baby for another of the house's resident spirits. Vivienne would be killed during the birth, and the child was the actual Antichrist.

Tate was fans' first taste of the kind of villains to expect from AHS as the series went on. He was the first time that audiences experienced the limitless talents of Evan Peters, who continues to be a key figure in the show.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.