American Horror Story: 10 Scariest Villains Ranked

6. James Patrick March

American Horror Story Apocalypse Finale

Suave murderer and proprietor of the Hotel Cortez, James Patrick March (in another stellar performance from Evan Peters) terrorised our screens in Hotel, the show's fifth season.

Now one of the Cortez's permanent residents, March is American Horror Story's most prolific killer. Not only was he the original Ten Commandments Killer, but his hotel was also constructed to be his personal playhouse for murder. Hidden passages, walled-off corridors, and an assortment of secret terrors are just some of the Cortez's twisted features which mirror the sadistic personality of its owner.

Moreover, March's murderous habits bear a striking resemblance to that of real-life historic serial-killer H.H Holmes, who constructed a labyrinthian murder hotel known as the Murder Castle during the 1893 Chicago World's Fair.

There's no question that March is a dangerous man, and even as a ghost his influence is strong. he convinces burned-out detective John Lowe (Wes Bentley) to continue his legacy as the Ten Commandments Killer all while continuing his own reign of murder and sadistic cruelty within the hotel's walls.

Combined with the eccentric charm that Peters brings to the screen, it's no surprise why March is one of the most iconic characters in AHS history.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.