It's been confirmed that LORD OF THE RINGS star Karl Urban has been offered an unknown part in STAR TREK and potentially very spoiler-ish info on movie's plot have leaked online!

IESB have gotten word that the LORD OF THE RINGS actor Karl Urban has been offered the chance to play a Romulan baddie in next year's restart. Now, obviously when I hear a bit of TREK news, I have to go over to TREK MOVIE. They are the best source for all things on the new movie, no doubt about it. They confirm that Urban has been offered a role in the new movie but it won't be the main villain part or that of Captain Kirk. Their source would go no further when pressed, so that leaves us with the possibility of a secondary villain... or the role of Bones, Scotty or a character we had never thought of. Whatever the part, Trek Movie kindly tell us that Urban once worked with the co-writers and executive producers of the new movie on XENA WARRIOR PRINCESS and even managed to get this statement from one of them, Mr. Roberto Orci...
We worked with Urban back in the day, when Alex and I were the showrunners on Herucles and Xena. He always came through for us, and he is such a decent guy. None of what I just said, however, should be taken as a sign that any decisions have been made. Our only point is that, whatever happens, we€™ve always loved Karl, and we all got our start in the same place.
Who could he play then? Bones - mmm. Maybe. I could see him as a bit of cynical guy but is he too good looking for the role and does he have too much of a leading man look about him? I dunno, there's something about Urban as Bones that kinda works isn't there. There's something a little dark behind those eyes, which is exactly what Bones needs. Bones the realist. The guy who tells it like it is. The guy who has seen too many things go wrong in the world, that he counters the optimism of those around him. The most truthful guy on the ship. Scotty I just couldn't see. You don't hire Karl Urban to be stuck in the Engineering room. Now for the plot spoilers. None of these of course you should take as 100% true... It's claimed that Leonard Nimoy and Zachary Quinto as the two different versions of Spock during his life are actually the main characters!!! The villains will be the Romulans. The plot involves 'time travel' (yes that again) and the attempt from the Romulans to go back in time and erase both Captain Kirk and the entire human race by destroying Earth. Scenes on the Starfleet Academy will take place, one of them actually showcasing Kirk as he overcomes the Kobayahsi Maru test in STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN. And that's it. End of news update, apart from that none of the roles except those four confirmed previously (Spock times 2, Uhura and Chekov) have been cast yet. Yes, it's true some of the names mentioned have or are in the running but there are still auditions yet to take place.


Plot sounds overtly complicated but at the same time deceptively simple and lame like the basic idea of STAR TREK XIII: FIRST CONTACT. Time travel is such a lame plot device in Trek and Leonard Nimoy as a main character? Does this not worry anyone at all? Nimoy has not been seen on film (though he has done voice work) for 16 years and the last TREK movie with the original crew. And ya know, he was no spring chicken back in 1991, has he got what it takes in 2007 to do such a long role? And what of William Shatner, does it not annoy anyone that he won't have such a prominet role, or even a role at all at this point? And what about Kirk? Has he been dropped to a secondary character here and does that take away some of the original series' magic. What about exploring strange news worlds and seeking out new life and civilisation? We are back to Earth again and I'm not sure I like it... though Karl Urban as Bones I like very much.

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.