2. The Return Of Brian Fantana's Cabinet
One of the more memorable scenes in Anchorman is the one where reporter Brian Fantana, played by Paul Rudd, chooses some aftershave for Ron from his wall cabinet. The perfume he chooses is called Sex Panther and he utters the immortal and oft-quoted line: "60% of the time it works every time." The trailer for the sequel hailed the glorious return of Fantana's cabinet. This time packed with several types of condom with names such as the 'Responsible Pirate' and the 'Cock Frock,' one of which he proudly boasts he was wearing when he had four of his seven illegitimate children. It is important that Anchorman 2 does not simply rehash the same jokes as the original movie, though a bit of continuity between films is certainly going to be welcomed on behalf of the fans. And where better to start than in Fantana's cabinet?